21st Century After School Program
We have 2 locations to serve children:
West Elementary serves children in Kindergarten-2nd grade
Russellville Elementary serves children in 3rd-5th grade
The program is open Monday-Friday from 3:00-5:30
If you would like for your child to attend the 21st Century After School Program, you may call the Site Coordinator, Mrs. Angela Crittenden (256-331-2123), or let your child's teacher know that you need a registration form. Once the registration form is completed, please send it back to school with your child. Your child may start the day he/she returns the form to school. The registration fee and first week's tuition will need to be paid when you pick your child up in the afternoon. Please do not send money to school with your child. If you have any questions, or need more information, please contact Mrs. Angela Crittenden (256-331-2123).