AP Courses
NWSCC Dual Enrollment / RHS Credit Assurance Pathway
This webpage contains VERY IMPORTANT information for Russellville High School students planning to take dual enrollment classes Spring 2021. The attached PowerPoint shows steps students need to take to apply to Northwest-Shoals.
Applicants now have the option to upload required admission documentation. To upload documents, students will need a copy of their driver's license, unofficial high school transcript and ACT scores on the electronic device they are using to process the application. This upload feature is located int the section titled "Name".
If applicants do not have the required documentation ready for upload at the time they are submitting the application, they can either save the application and come back OR they may submit the application and then access the upload link from our website. The upload is available on the Admissions section of the website under forms. Here is a link to the upload form: https://nwsccmoodledemo.com/nwsccid/nwsccid.php
Beginning Spring 2021 semester, dual students will pay NW-SCC directly for any class they take at Northwest-Shoals.
Dual students taking a class at NW-SCC, at the high school, or an online class, will pay the college directly through their student account at MyNWSCC https://www.nwscc.edu/current-students/registration-or-make-a-payment .
Registration or Make a Payment | Northwest-Shoals Community College
Notice to Students: Read the statement below, and click the "I understand and agree to the above statements" button below to continue to Online Services. In the event your account becomes delinquent, you will be responsible for all costs of collection. These costs include collection agency fees, attorney fees, court costs, judgment interest and any other allowable charges in accordance with ...
Attached is a copy of the online payment instructions to make a payment.
In addition, dual students can enroll in a Payment Plan. I am attaching information showing how the plan works depending on when the student enrolls in classes. If a dual student needs further assistance to enroll in a Payment Plan, they can contact Ms. Sharon Arnold. Her contact information is included in the Payment Plan Instructions.
NWSCC is also offering a "buy one get one" scholarship for the spring semester, titled the COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP. The deadline to apply is December 15, 2020. Please see the additional information below and attached for more information.
The scholarship is a "buy one get one" scholarship. A student who pays for one class can add a second online class or a class at our campus for free.
To qualify:
Students need to complete an application by December 15, 2020.
Students must register for a spring 2021 academic or cosmetology dual enrollment class by December 15, 2020.
Spring registration for dual enrollment students is open now. For your convenience, the most recent updated NW-SCC 2021 spring course schedule is available via the attached excel spreadsheet. The excel attachment allows you to sort for particular course offerings. The PDF version along with the 2021 Spring Registration is available on the College website