RCS Foundation

Russellville City Schools Education Foundation, established in 2012, is an organization created solely for the purpose of providing educational opportunities for students, today and in the future.
Following an accreditation review in 2008, the system and community were strongly encouraged to establish a foundation through which supportive and benevolent friends of Russellville City Schools could contribute financially to the system's endeavors, with tax deductible benefit. With a rich tradition of very strong community support, many alumni success stories, and exemplary academic, technical, and fine arts curriculum with corresponding extracurricular activities including over 30 athletic teams, Russellville schools have as their priority opportunities for students and their development.
The Foundation operates under the oversight of a board consisting of a minimum of twelve (12) directors including community leaders, system volunteers, alumni, educators, and businessmen and women, all who have the system's needs and interests at heart.
The Foundation functions within the framework of a Constitution and By-laws.
You may contact the Foundation via email at rcs.foundation@rcs.k12.al.us.